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About i-CHAT

i-CHAT ( I Can Hear and Talk) is a computer based application which is designed to assist people, especially children with hearing impaired problem to master their linguistic capability through multimedia sign language learning.

Video Intro

i-CHAT at a glance

i-CHAT was launched on April 16, 2010 at Telkom R & D Center Bandung (now Telkom Divisi Digital Service). The development of this application is a manifestation of Telkom’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. There are two video options on i-CHAT: speech reading and sign language.



I Can Hear and Talk

i-CHAT on Facebook is a forum that can be used by users or public who want to know more in learning modules of i-CHAT. Expected by this page, it can build a deaf community to help each other. This page also become a place of information and promotion of the application of i-CHAT, visitors can ask questions or interact with each other. Come, join us in or click the image below atau klik gambar dibawah

Article i-CHAT

I Can Hear and Talk

Modules article contains articles related to the deafness. Users can participate by submitting articles associated with deafness, by pressing the "submit article" contained in the article module. Afterwards there is column to write an article to be sent. The article has been sent by the user to be verified first by admins, before finally publishing on i-CHAT.